THE VANJAS el cuarteto de Estocolmo que se ha ganado una gran reputación al evocar en su sonido a Ike & Tina, Little Richard, Blondie y THe Sonics.Inspirados en los sonidos 50´s , 60´s, soul ,Rhythm and blues, y garaje rock.
Con fuerza, su sucio y dulce Rhythm and blues, mas su dosis de soul terminarán devorando vuestro corazón!!
Ellos vuelan con gran energía, están demasiao húmedos para secarse, en su show os dejaran satisfech@s , deslumbrad@s y con ganas de más!!!
Han girado durante estos años por Suecia, Noruega, Finlandia, Dinamarka, Italia, España, U.k. y Alemania, cosechando siempre grandes críticas.Ahora acaban de publicar su single «My Girls» que esta dandola vuelta al mundo y es como si se hubiera sacado directamente de lamowtown.
No lo dudes esta puede ser una gran noche de dance, rock and roll y energia!!!!
Ahora se han tomado un descanso solamente hacen actuaciones esporadicas cuandom les apetece y la fiesta promete!!!
Algunas reseñas:
Imagine Little Richard and Blondie having a love child. That child would sound like The Vanjas. The quartet has taken everything that was fun during the 50’s and 60´s and invented something new.”
– Anna Engström, U-port,
“This Stockholm quartet attacks with the same certainty as The Creeps once did, in a similar groove of R’n’B influenced garage rock.”
– Nils Hansson, Dagens Nyheter
“During a few fantastic, crazy and wild moments I wonder to myself if I’ve experienced anything like this since… well, since I heard The Hives for the first time”
-Dennis Andersson, Barometern
“Had I had long hair there would have been some headbanging. The Vanjas debut album ‘Sings and plays rock ’n roll’ is a breath of fresh air on a somewhat melancholy Swedish music scene. Or no, actually. It’s more like a bomb in peacetime.”
– Simon Strinnholm, Värmlands Folkblad
“In The Vanjas backpack, Larry Williams 50’s rock is hanging out with Blondies 70’s. British The Who is also among the influences as are American The Sonics.”
– Lollo Asplund, Corren
“This wild and unruly rock ‘n roll band fronted by the charismatic singer Vanja Renberg combines influences from American roots rock and soul with early britpop.”
– Ulf Gustavsson, Uppsala nya tidning
“The Vanjas are world class in their genre, together with bands like Detroit Cobras and The Jim Jones Revue.
– Peter Sjöblom Tidningen kulturen